
(„Official gazette RS” No.31/07)

General services non classified elsewhere

Economic classification Description Resources from the budget Expenses from aditional purchasings and capital spendings for NIP Total resources
411 Wages and bonuses of the employees 5.000.000 5.000.000
412 Social contributions at the employer`s expense 900.000 900.000
413 Compensations in kind 20,000 20,000
414 Social grants to the employees 20.000 20.000
415 Compesations for employees 75.000 75.000
421 Standing expenses 317.000 317.000
422 Travel costs 86.000 86.000
423 Contract services 1.400.000 1.400.000
425 Current overhauling and maintenance 30.000 30.000
426 Material 250.000 250.000
482 Taxes, compulsory taxes and fines 10.000 10.000
512 Machines and equipment 500.000 500.000
Funding sources for the office 160:
01 Revenues from the budget 8.608.000 8.608.000
Total for the office 160 8.608.000 8.608.000
Funding sources for the office 51
01 Revenues from the budget 8.608.000 8.608.000
TOTAL FOR THE SECTION 51 8.608.000 8.608.000