Training for University of Kragujevac Employees
On Tuesday, November 26, 2024, lecturers from the Office of the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection, Sofija Radojicic, Marin Cetinic, and Marko Milosevic, held training on access to information of public importance and personal data protection for the personnel of the Rectorate and faculties within the University of Kragujevac. The main reason was to raise awareness about the proper application of these laws in light of the increased requests for access to information filed through lawyers with the power of attorney and the challenges in the appropriate application of personal data protection.
The training was attended by 40 employees, mostly faculty secretaries, information officers, and data protection officers. Among the topics standing out were the correct interpretation of deadlines for acting on requests for access to information, exercising the right to data protection, and its possible restrictions. This training was also used to announce the soon opening of the Office of the Commissioner in Kragujevac, facilitating more direct access to the institution and improving the exercise of rights under our jurisdiction. The Commissioner has so far held training courses at the Universities of Belgrade and Novi Sad, with invitations sent to all state universities expecting more training courses aimed at this target group by the end of the year.